Thursday 30 March 2017

Fasting and Fertility

Diet occupies an important place in fertility domain. What ones eats and does not eat have a big impact on fertility quotient. That is why it is essential to be discreet about intake in body. Fasting has emerged as one of the potent instruments to expedite fertility. Just like our home and office need regular cleaning, our body is no different. It is absolutely paramount to rid body of all gratuitous and noxious elements that accumulate over a period of time.

Fasting is a tool to detoxify body and cleanse it to the hilt. Detoxification and cleansing of body are a stepping stone to fertility. When body is totally clean of noxious elements and one starts taking in healthy stuff like fruit juices, Carrots, peas, sweet potatoes etc., the immune system of body is strengthened. These are the kind of edibles which are usually taken by women during fast and they all are fertility-friendly ones too.

IVF Clinics in India also recommends consuming guavas, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower, orange and strawberries during fast in order to get pregnant quickly. They all are rich in vitamin 'C' and are considered by IVF Doctors to be supremely conducive for fertility. Navratra is a festival of immense devotion and divinity. Fasting during this festive season and having right edibles can increase your happiness manifold. The occasion seems opportune to fulfill your dreams.

Hence, fasting serves many purposes. It is a manifestation of one’s faith in God and at the same time, it is also an opportunity to detoxify your body and boost fertility prowess.

For Infertility Treatment:
Phone: +91 7862800700

Thursday 23 March 2017

Pelvic Pain among Infertile Women

Pelvic pain occurs in the lower front of the abdomen, below the umbilicus (belly button). Pelvic pain sometimes arises due to problems with the female reproductive organ. Young women who are in their reproductive age often cop pelvic pain as well as issues related to infertility. In many cases, women experience both at the same time. Hence, they’re often in a dilemma which one to treat first.

Problems with the reproductive system that can cause chronic pain
  • Endometriosis. This is when the tissue lining the inside of the uterus starts growing outside of the uterus.
  • Adenomyosis. This is when the lining in the uterus starts growing into the uterine muscle.
  • Noncancerous (benign) tumors of the uterus, such as fibroids or polyps.
It is tad tricky to decide for IVF Clinics in Noida and for any IVF Specialist in Noida to tell patients which affliction they must cure first as each patient has her own priority/preference. So the best thing to do is to make them aware about the nitty-gritty and details about both the treatment.

If women opt for fertility treatment first, it means that problem of pelvic pain would most likely be automatically taken care of. It means that if fertility treatment turns out to be successful, pelvic pain would be treated in the process. Hence, it is recommended to choose fertility treatment.

Another benefit of opting for fertility treatment is that it saves precious time. Women who choose to treat pelvic pain first through medical therapies like danazol, birth control pills or Lupron usually have their pain allayed but they do lose out on time.

Time is an important factor in fertility treatment and treatment must begin as soon as the problem is diagnosed. This is because infertility is degenerative and festers rapidly and that makes treatment even more difficult. On the other hand, there is no such urgency when it comes to pelvic pain and moreover, as mentioned above, successful fertility treatment most likely soothes pelvic pain too.

It is completely up to discretion and priority of patients which treatment to opt for. Fertility Specialists can only lucidly inform them about benefits and repercussions.

For Infertility Treatment:
Phone: +91 7862800700

Saturday 18 March 2017

Uterine Fibroids – Causes, Symptoms and Treatment

Benign tumours of muscular & fibrous tissue which originate excessively on uterus (womb) are called Fibroids. They are also known as uterine myomas, leiomyomas, or fibromas. Fibroids are almost always non-malignant (non-cancerous). But these clumps sometimes are unusually huge and can cause splitting abdominal pain and heavy periods. According to National Institutes of Health (NIH) - almost 70% to 80% women have Fibroids by the time they become 50-year-old.

Women who are likely to attain menopause are more vulnerable to contract Fibroids because they are open to huge levels of estrogen for an elongated period.

Causes of Uterine Fibroids
The precise and concrete reasons are still debatable but there is a string of facets which results into Uterine Fibroids according to historical data:
  • Genetic Changes
  • Hormonal Disorders
  • History of Family
  • Ethnicity
  • Obesity
  • Eating Habits
Symptoms of Uterine Fibroids
It is important to note that different women show different symptoms when it comes to Uterine Fibroids. While some show subdued symptoms; others might experience no symptoms. In some cases, women display exceedingly potent and irritable symptoms.
  • Unusually long menstrual periods
  • Excessive bleeding during menstrual periods
  • Pelvic pain
  • Abnormally persistent urination
  • Pain during sex
  • Pain in lower abdomen
Chances of Pregnancy in Uterine Fibroids
There are many women who are able to conceive naturally and easily despite having Fibroids. So we can say that in most of the cases, Fibroids are not detrimental to pregnancy and fertility. But, at times, fibroids — especially submucosal fibroids — can cause infertility or pregnancy loss. Submucosal and intramural fibroids can distort the shape and size of uterine cavity andincrease the risk of problems pertaining to pregnancy. Once these fibroids are eradicated, women can conceive and get pregnant. Intramural fibroids that do not indent the cavity appear to decrease fertility and increase the miscarriage rate but studies are inconclusive. There is no evidence that subserous fibroids interfere with conception or increase the miscarriage rate.

Uterine Fibroid Treatment
There are various Fertility Treatments which are posited by IVF Clinics in India. Following are the best Uterine Fibroid Treatments Fertility Experts recommend:

a) Medications – If the problem is not grave, doctors can prescribe medications to regulate women’s hormone levels which reduce Fibroids.

b) Myomectomy – This surgery is instrumental in removing uterine fibroids without eliminating healthy tissues of the uterus. This treatment is beneficial for women who want to get pregnant after the surgery.

c) Minimally Invasive Procedures – These cutting-edge procedures are carried out by ultra-modern laser equipment which decimate Fibroids.

For Infertility Treatment:
Phone: +91 7862800700

Wednesday 15 March 2017

Spirituality during Infertility Treatment

Undergoing infertility treatment can be a taxing and emotionally enervating experience. To begin with, when people's dream of becoming parents is in jeopardy and they're facing severe mental issues, they tend to get tad dejected and melancholic. Some people have little or no knowledge about infertility treatments and that leaves them in a daze. The couples facing fertility issues have to grapple with a lot of issues - medical, social to emotional.

Amidst this sea of gloom and nervousness, they need a succour to hold onto. Spirituality is a rich and resourceful source of positive energy and resonance that helps them to deal with all these hassles with composure and spunk. It also comes in handy and soothing their frayed nerves and providing them emotional tranquility and equanimity. The mental and emotional equilibrium is eminently essential to encounter travails of infertility treatment.

One needs to be in right frame of mind to fully understand the dynamics and intricacies of the infertility treatment. Also, you have to deal with IVF Doctors and interact with them on a regular basis. It is also a medically proven fact that being terminally gloomy and sad can have a bad effect on fertility prowess. Being calm and upbeat increase the chances of success of infertility treatment.

This is the reason that fertility centers in India encourage people to indulge in Spirituality to discard negative thoughts and embrace positivity. Also Spirituality helps one to feel close to God and develop faith in his powers. These sentiments have a tangible value and help practitioners immensely.

For Infertility Treatment:
Phone: +91 7862800700

Saturday 11 March 2017

Surrogacy in Case of Miscarriage

The most common cause of miscarriage is genetic abnormality in fetus that prevents the birth of defected baby. The chances of genetic abnormality in eggs of older women are more than in younger women; hence they (older women) are more susceptible to miscarriage. So genetic in eggs which result in defected embryos is the main reason behind miscarriage. In most of the cases of miscarriage, uterus remains completely salutary and normal.

However, patients start thinking otherwise especially if more than one miscarriage happens. They start assuming that since they are able to get pregnant is an indication that the quality of their eggs is top-flight. Since they also have regular menstrual cycle and status of ovarian reserve is also healthy, they start believing that problem lies with uterus, not eggs.

This assumption leads them to opt for Surrogacy because of their misplaced and faulty belief that their uterus is incapable of holding eggs beyond 8 weeks. It does not even occur to many women that the fact that they’ve been able to get pregnant because of successful embryo implantation is a conclusive proof of their uterus being totally fine. Opting for Surrogacy and changing the uterus is of no use as the problem lies with eggs, not the uterus.

Women who have multiple miscarriages are often at their lowest ebb emotionally and mentally. Some of them even develop paranoia and abysmally low self-esteem. That is where the role of Fertility Experts of Best Fertility Clinics in India comes into picture. They must inform patients about the real cause of miscarriages and also lend emotional succor. Moreover, they must advise patients to opt for either donor eggs or donor embryos, not Surrogacy. Surrogacy is an elaborate and often an expensive procedure, and is suitable for women who have damaged or no uterus. For women who have absolutely salutary and healthy uterus, donor eggs or donor embryos are much better options.

For Infertility Treatment:
Phone: +91 7862800700

Friday 10 March 2017

Irregular Periods – Effects on Pregnancy and Treatment

Menstrual cycle is the time in the month when uterus discards its lining and it is followed by bleeding from vagina. Menstrual cycle normally lasts from 21 to 35 days and most of the women experience menstrual period for 4 to 7 days.

Following can be described as illustrations of Irregular Periods:
  • Periods which happen in less than 21 days or more than 35 days
  • Missing three or more periods in a row
  • Heavier or lighter menstrual flow than usual
  • Periods prolonged for more than seven days
  • Pain, cramps, nausea and vomiting during periods
Causes of Irregular Periods
  • Excessive tension/jitters
  • Usage of Birth control pills
  • Fibroids
  • Endometriosis
  • Pelvic Inflammatory Affliction
  • Unhealthy Lifestyle - Smoking, Consuming alcohol, Drugs, etc.
  • Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome
  • Hormonal Imbalance
Pregnancy in Irregular Menses: It is important to note that pregnancy cannot be attained without periods. Irregular or abnormal menstrual cycle amounts to 40% cases of infertility among women. Due to irregular menstrual cycle causing cessation of periods, women stop to ovulate.

Treatment for Irregular Menses: Following are some of the most potent Fertility Treatments recommended by Best Fertility Centres in India:

a) Regulating Menstrual Cycle: Hormones like estrogen can regulate menstrual cycle and scuttle excessive bleeding

b) Elimination of Uterine Fibroids: Uterine Fibroids are one of the major reasons behind abnormal menses. Hence it is paramount to rip them out to through available surgeries

c) Holistic Lifestyle: One must lead a healthy lifestyle and shun habits like smoking, excessive drinking and usage of drugs. Following a healthy diet-plan food and regular exercise contribute immensely.

d) Surgery: In some cases, irregular periods are result of structural problems in uterus or blockage of fallopian tubes. There are surgeries available to overcome these problems.

For Infertility Treatment:
Phone: +91 7862800700