Friday, 18 November 2016

How to Handle Morning Sickness?

Morning sickness is an annoying symptom of pregnancy that involves nausea, headaches, and vomiting during the morning. Affecting the majority of pregnant women, it generally begins during the first trimester of pregnancy and may persist throughout the pregnancy. Another disadvantage of morning sickness is that it cannot be predicted whether a woman would go through it or not.

Morning Sickness is beyond common amongst pregnant women. More than 75 percent of women experience this troublesome symptom during their pregnancies. In fact, pregnancy and morning sickness go hand in hand as per most of the world.

Nevertheless, experiencing morning sickness does not mean that women cannot combat it, say IVF experts. Doctors specializing in test tube baby treatments state that there are several ways through which women can handle morning sickness. Some of them are as follows:

Drink plenty of water –Vomiting expels a large amount of water out of the body and makes it dry and weak. Hence, it is very critical that pregnant women suffering from morning sickness and nausea consume a good amount of water all through the day to prevent dehydration. Drink fluids 1/2 hour before or after a meal, but not with meals.
  • Relax and calm down – It is understandable that in such a position, it is not easy to calm down and relax as there are numerous responsibilities that need to be handled. But health should be prioritized. Thus, take care of yourself and relax first.
  • Manage your diet – Consume healthy, organic food as much as possible. Moreover, eat timely to prevent the occurrence of flatulence or acid reflux issues. . Eat small meals often. Eat whatever you feel like eating, whenever you feel you can.
  • Ask someone else to cook for you; open the windows, or turn on fans if the odor bothers you.
  • Keep a chart of our nausea– Keep a track of when, how, how frequently or seldom your nausea surfaces. Also, note down the food items that trigger nausea. This will make it easier for you to be prepared before it attacks you and manage it better.
  • Get plenty of rest and nap during the day.
  • Avoid warm places; feeling hot adds to nausea
You should contact your doctor if:
  • If you are experiencing excessive nausea and vomiting that prevents you from keeping any food down
  • If vomiting is accompanied by pain or fever
  • If nausea and vomiting persists well into the second trimester (after 12th week)
  • Do not lie down after eating.
  • Do not skip meals.
  • Do not let this condition go untreated.
  • Do not cook or eat spicy food 
For Infertility Treatment:
Phone: +91 7862800700

Thursday, 17 November 2016

Can Internet be trusted for information related to Infertility?

Internet has become an effectively and widely-used platform to gather information on any subject. These days, people prefer to use ‘Google’ to find out information or insights about different topics. With the advent of smartphones & high-speed Data connections/WiFi, it has become easier, than ever before, to browse Internet.

The million dollar questions is can we trust information that is available on various websites and forums, especially in case of sensitive subjects like infertility? While Internet has undeniably made it quite easy for people to get information, there is a flip side too. Some of the forums and blogs are penned down by amateurs and quacks who don’t not have sufficient knowledge about the subject.

The consequences of trusting factually incorrect information on Internet can be extremely severe. That is why one must be careful and not trust everything that one founds on Internet. The source of information has to be trustworthy and credible.

There's a saying in Latin, caveat emptor, or "let the buyer beware." When it comes to doing your research on the Internet, the saying should be caveat internauta, or "let the surfer beware.

Hence it is paramount to comprehend which source is faulty and which is credible. The bloggers who are certified by reputed accreditation bodies usually have domain expertise and the information provided on their blogs is more likely to be accurate.Also, there are many eminent Fertility Specialists who write insightful blogs. It is better to follow write-ups of certified bloggers, noted fertility experts and reputed Fertility Centres.

But ultimately there is no better substitute than visiting top-class IVF Clinics and get first hand information from fertility experts as they dish out advice/insights after asking you relevant questions and if necessaryafter conducting few essential tests.

For Infertility Treatment:
Phone: +91 7862800700

Premature Ovarian Failure

Premature ovarian failure or Primary Ovarian Insufficiency is a condition in which the ovaries fail to perform their functions properly. They are unable to produce the required amounts of the female fertility hormone estrogen or release good quality eggs on a regular basis. IVF doctors and test tube baby treatment experts enunciate that this condition creates problems when trying to conceive and also causes recurring miscarriages.

The symptoms experienced due to the lack of estrogen may be tackled by hormone replacement therapy. But this would not restore a woman’s fertility.

According to experts, some of the conditions that result in Premature Ovarian Failure include:
  • Any damage suffered by the ovaries due to an accident, treatments like chemotherapy or surgery.
  • If a female carries a fragile chromosome X
  • Any abnormalities or irregularities associated with the chromosomes.
  • An autoimmune disease that could affect the reproductive system
  • Other factors that could plausibly affect the ovaries adversely around the time of puberty.
The symptoms of Premature Ovarian Failure are as follows:
  • Excessive sweating at night
  • Bouts of hot flashes
  • Finding it difficult to concentrate
  • Irritability
  • Many of the symptoms are quite similar to the ones experienced at the advent of or during menopause some of which include:
  1. Vaginal Dryness
  2. Decreased sexual desire
  3. Skipped or irregular periods
The good news, however, is that this condition can be treated. The treatment of this condition generally involves primary treatment of the major problems that are the result of the lack of estrogen. Moreover, estrogen therapy and/or supplements are suggested including supplements of calcium and vitamin D. in addition, if the treatment is followed by an infertility treatment such as Insemination or In Vitro Fertilization (IVF), then donor eggs may be incorporated.

For Infertility Treatment:
Phone: +91 7862800700

Friday, 11 November 2016

Combating the psychological burden of fertility treatment

Infertility treatments easily take a toll on the patients. First of all, the stress of being unable to get pregnant even after months or years of trying then add to it the ups and downs of the infertility treatment one goes through. On top of all this, these treatments, even if done in the most successful IVF treatment clinics, do not guarantee a 100% positive result. In addition, some lucky patients might achieve amazing and successful results in their very first cycle while some may not achieve anything even after several trials.

Such a grueling journey of an infertility treatment affects a patient not just physically but mentally too. They may suffer from depression, angst, guilt, stress, hypertension and other psychological issues. However, these psychological problems can make one’s fertility even worse than it already was. In such a case, especially if the patient has been suffering from such issues before starting their treatment, they must discuss their problem with the doctor. This helps the doctor to set a better and more holistic protocol for treating the patient’s infertility that will also include combating the psychological issues.

Earlier, many experts believed that just fifty percent of infertility cases originated from physical causes. Nevertheless, the remaining remained unexplained. Also, several of these issues were considered to be caused by psychosomatic problems in women.

Statistically speaking, approximately 33.4% of the time a physiological problem is diagnosed in a female and the same amount of time in males. In close to 10% of the time, the problems are diagnosed in both partners. 

Not so surprisingly, men are observed to go through the same levels of low self esteem, stigma, and depression when they are diagnosed with an infertility disorder as women do when diagnosed with the same. Moreover, other things associated with infertility such as medication side effects, money worries, and uncertain outcomes all add to infertility-related stress.

Moreover, patients do not just have to depend on doctors to handle their emotional and mental problems. They can very well fight them on their own. There are a plethora of methods with the help of which they can do that. Some of these methods include Yoga, exercise, breathing exercises, meditation, following a hobby, volunteering for philanthropy and others to name a few. An important point to note here is that no treatment would work positively unless the patients them self are in a positive mindset or wish to improve. Hence, it is eventually in the hands of the patients to decide and move ahead in the right direction.

For Infertility Treatment:
Phone: +91 7862800700